Currents is Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative's member newsletter that provides service information, perspectives, and important updates to each and every one of our memebrs. Currents has operated as a four-page newsletter sent monthly to members alongside thier bills from 1998 to 2023. As of March 2023, we now provide an eight-page version of Currents four times per year, sent directly by mail to each member. Each new issue is also available online, accessible on this webpage.
To catch up with any issues of Currents you might have missed, simply click on the appropriate link to access a .pdf file for each issue. If you would like to view the online versions of this month's Currents articles, click the buttons below!
If you would like to have the contents of each issue of Currents delivered to you online, you should sign up for our Email List. When a new issue is released, you will receive an email containing links to each article as well as other important updates, sent directly to your email inbox! Individual stories can also be found at
Our Newest Stories
Our second issue of Currents serves as our 2024 Annual Report. Read the Annual Report for a recap of our operations and financials in 2023. Also provided in this issue is information on our 2024 Board of Directors election and a message on the importance of participating in this election. Not only is there a contested race this election, but members will also have the opportunity to vote on a bylaw change for their Cooperative!
Lastly, this issue includes the official announcement of 2024's Annual Meeting. Once again, we will start with an Online Meeting that covers the business portion of the event and then host an in-person Member Appreciation Event at the Fair in August. Our Online Meeting will be Monday, July 1st - make sure to tune in for updates from your Co-op and to register for up to two free Fair tickets! Click the button below to find more details on our Annual Meeting.